Color Trends | 2018 Forecast

Can you believe that 2017 is almost over?!  This year has flown by, without a doubt, and it's crazy to think that in just a few short weeks, we'll be on to 2018.  2017 has brought a lot of changes but we are looking forward to an even better 2018.  All that to say, what are the changes coming in 2018?  This article by Jennifer Ott outlines the colors that are expected to be big for Interiors in 2018 so we figured we'd pass the info along to help prep you for the upcoming year.

Even though whites will always be a classic look, colors for 2018 are going a little more moody.  We saw a little bit of this in 2017 but the trend is expected to continue to see growth in 2018.  Purples, blues, blacks, and charcoal are all expected to gain ground in the interior scene and beige is back!  Not the old beige that we saw so much of 10 years ago, but a little more grey beige that updates the look.

According to Pantone, people shouldn't be scared of color in 2018!  Here are some examples of rooms in moodier, warmer tones that  might make you excited about what next year has to offer!

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